An Overview of Hepatitis C and Correctional Medicine - Recorded May 2022
Made possible by a charitable contribution from Abbvie to the NCCHC Foundation
Approximately 30% of all people with HCV infection in the United States spend at least part of the year in a correctional institution. Unfortunately, most of these individuals are unaware of their infection. Given the high prevalence of HCV infection in correctional settings coupled with the fact that more than 10 million people pass through jails and prisons each year, as many as 1 million people with undiagnosed HCV infection might come into contact with the correctional system each year. More than 90% of these individuals eventually reenter the community, where they can contribute to HCV spread and may have little contact with the health care system. Moreover, 68% of prisoners are reincarcerated for a new crime within 3 years of their release from prison. Recidivism can further promote the spread of HCV within correctional settings. It is more crucial than ever to treat our hepatitis C patients in order to prevent further spread of HCV infection or liver complications with serious outcomes after their release to the community.
Educational Objectives
• Evaluate HCV treatment protocols that maximize efficiency and ensure quality outcomes
• Review the current direct-acting antiviral agents for treatment of hepatitis C
• Discuss the potential benefits of achieving sustained viral response for HCV patients in the correctional setting
Juan Rudy Nunez, MD, CCHP-P has 27 years of clinical and administrative experience in correctional medicine. He is the Chief Medical Officer for Mediko Correctional Health Services, Inc. and is responsible for providing primary care to the incarcerated population and implementing programs in the treatment of HIV, Hepatitis C, COVID-19 and Addiction Medicine. Dr. Nunez is an active Physician Surveyor for the National Commission on Correctional Health Care and a Fellow and past President of The American College of Correctional Physicians. Dr. Nunez was a contributing member of the NCCHC Task Force that revised the 2018 NCCHC Accreditation Standards for Health Services in Jails, Prisons, and Juvenile Facilities.
Webinar Fee:
This free webinar includes access to the power point presentation, the webinar recording and CE credit – 1.0 hours for ACCME, ANCC, APA, and CCHP. Please email to receive a copy of the presentation slides.