High and Dry: Challenges and Opportunities in Managing Substance Use Disorders in Juvenile Corrections - recorded March 2023
The U.S. drug epidemic affects all age groups, including adolescents. Health care professionals who care for youth in correctional settings must identify and treat substance use disorders and work to prevent the devastating, and often lethal, consequences of untreated addiction. This presentation will discuss national trends in adolescent addiction, evidence-based practices for screening and assessment of youth substance use, and treatment options for youth with opioid use disorders. Attendees will gain a basic understanding of the clinical presentations of intoxication, withdrawal, and overdose as well as an overview of opioid use disorder treatment strategies that are feasible to implement in the correctional health care setting.
Educational Objectives
· Identify evidence-based practices for assessment and screening for substance use in adolescent patients
· Review national guidelines for management of opiate use disorders in adolescents
· Explain treatment options for adolescent substance use disorders
Dr. Elizabeth Lowenhaupt MD, FAAP, CCHP is a board-certified pediatrician, psychiatrist, and child and adolescent psychiatrist at Rhode Island Hospital/Hasbro Children's Hospital who provides psychiatric treatment and consultation to children, families, and agencies involved in the child welfare and juvenile legal systems. She is the Co-chair of the Children and the Law Committee of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and represents AACAP on the Board of the National Commission for Correctional Health Care, where she also serves as the Chair of the Juvenile Health Committee and the Board Chair-Elect. Dr. Lowenhaupt completed the combined training program in Pediatrics, Psychiatry, and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Brown University/Rhode Island Hospital after receiving her medical degree from the University of Missouri in Columbia and her undergraduate degree in Environmental Science and Public Policy from Harvard College.
Dr. Deepa Camenga MD, MHS is an Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, Pediatrics and Public Health at the Yale Schools of Medicine & Public Health. As a physician-scientist board certified in pediatrics and addiction medicine, Dr. Camenga’ s research focuses on the etiology, prevention, and treatment of tobacco and substance use disorders in adolescents and young adults. She is also the Associate Program Director for Pediatric Programs within the Yale Program in Addiction. She was nominated by the American Academy of Pediatrics to serve as a member of the national Committee on Substance Use and Prevention, which produces guidance for pediatricians, state and federal government, and other stakeholders to reduce harm from substance use. Dr. Camenga completed her medical education and residency training at the University of Rochester. She completed a fellowship in health services research through the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Clinical Scholars Program at Yale.
Webinar Fee:
$65 ($55 for CCHPs), includes access to the power point presentation, the webinar recording and CE credit – 1.50 hours for ACCME, ANCC, APA, and CCHP. Please email education@ncchc.org for access to the presentation slides.